Government Banking
We are classified by VERIBANC as a Green, Three Star (***) financial institution.
At Avidia Bank, we understand your liquidity and interest yield goals and are committed to deliver the customized financial solutions and superior customer service you need to succeed in reaching those goals. See how we can help you succeed:
Municipal Checking Accounts
- Main depository, vendor and payroll.
- No transaction fees.
- No balance requirement.
Municipal Money Market Account
- Competitive interest rates.
- No monthly maintenance fee.

Avidia is a Member FDIC & DIF which means your deposits are fully insured.
Each Avidia depositor is insured by the FDIC to at least $250,000. All deposits above the FDIC insurance amount are insured by the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF). The combination of FDIC and DIF insurance provides customers of our bank with full deposit insurance on all deposit accounts.
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Cash Management Services

Our experienced Treasury staff will work with you to implement an account and service structure designed to meet your specific needs. It all begins with Business Express, our online banking tool, which serves as the hub to many other tools and services. One portal for all services means only one set of log in credentials.
• Access 18 months of transaction history online.
• Generate online wire transfers and ACH Payments and Collections securely using soft token technology.
• Initiate online internal transfers which are effective immediately.
• Use ACH and Check Positive Pay to ensure only valid checks and electronic payments are honored.
• Deposit checks delivered to your office using a desktop scanner that we provide. Deposits made by 7:00 pm are available the next business day.
• Online account reconciliation assists your reconciliation process. Export paid check details for import into your software.
• Collect check payments efficiently and securely with an Avidia Bank lockbox.
• Track department deposits separately with Deposit Reconciliation.
• Use sub accounts to maintain individual department or project accounts.
• Make federal and state tax payments electronically and access payment history
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